your story. our story.
god's story.
your story. our story.
god's story.
Who we are
Buckhall Church is a congregation that seeks to be a welcoming and loving place for all of God's children to call home. Whether you are a white-collar business executive, a blue-collar laborer, young or old, or anything in between, you are welcome here. We strive to live out the call of Jesus Christ to make disciples for the transformation of the world through worship, study, service, and fellowship.
Come however you are, just as you are, and we'll grow together in faith!
What We Believe
As a United Methodist faith community, we align our beliefs with the core of both our Christian and our specifically Wesleyan heritage. For more information on the United Methodist Church, click here.
We also have a set of seven core ideals, that govern our direction at Buckhall Church:
Our Core Ideals
1) Jesus First & Always | Colossians 1:15-17
can be no confusion about the role of Jesus in scripture, our lives, or in the
world. Jesus reigns as Lord of all, and His place as the central focus of our
shared lives together is fundamental to who we are.
2) We Are Prayer Fueled | James 5:13-16
We are called to be in prayer first and foremost, in all things. Prayer is the core of our relationship with God. Our prayers, offered through Jesus,
can make a real difference in the world.
3) YOU Matter | Matthew 10:29-31
People make a difference, and people are a key part of the story of Jesus’ work in and through Buckhall Church. It’s our desire that each would be known and loved in this place for who you are, and that each would have a place at the table.
4) There Is One Truth | John 14:6-7
As John Wesley put it – “the Holy Scriptures containeth all things necessary to salvation” – We stand on the Word (Jesus Christ) and on the word revealed in God’s Holy Scriptures. Those reveal to us the Truth that is Jesus Christ and God’s desire for us as his beloved creations.
5) We Are Better As One | John 17:20-23
We are created to be in community, in authentic and meaningful relationships with one another. The life we share together is not only a means of grace for us, but also a primary witness to the world that what we believe is true.
6) We Go Above & Beyond | Ephesians 3:20-21
God unloaded all of the resources at his disposal to reach down to the creation he created, to us, that we would be restored to relationship with Him. We are called to mimic this in our lives, that we might replicate those efforts to reach those who don’t know Jesus’ love.
7) Participation > Observation | Romans 12
calls us not to sit and watch, but to go and follow Him. To be disciples, not to be an audience. There is a
clear and consistent call from Jesus for us to all be actively
involved in working for the Lord.
Humble beginnings
Our Story
Buckhall Church was founded in the late 19th century as part of the Prince William Charge of the United Brethren In Christ. Our first sanctuary was completed in February 1906. Construction on the new basement meeting rooms was finished in 1944.
As part of the merger of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church in 1968, Buckhall became a part of the United Methodist Church. The church became part of a two-point charge along with what was then Manassas UMC. Buckhall was chartered as a single charge in 1976 and received our first full-time pastor, Rev. Gary Hulme, in 1979. After outgrowing our old sanctuary, the congregation began worshiping in the newly built Fellowship Hall building in 1988.
Pastor Gary was followed by Rev. John Hull who served Buckhall from 1988-2011.
Our Story
The Next Step
The church's new sanctuary was opened in 2007 under Rev. Hull's
leadership. Pastor John was followed by Rev. Linda Monroe who was
Buckhall's pastor from 2011-2020. The church's current pastor, Rev. Sean
Gundry, was appointed to serve Buckhall in July of 2020.